Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"The Masonic Map" DVD

I just bought my advanced copy of "The Masonic Map" at for $9.99. I think this is a cool project from a fellow Mason and the movie deserves some attention from us. Spread the word and let's make some noise about this!! Press Release The new film about the Freemasons, Porter Rockwell and the Knight's Templar will premiere on Sep. 10th at the SLC Masonic Temple. The movie was directed by Joseph James who is a Freemason and Shriner FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Salt Lake City, Utah, United States of America ( September 3, 2011 -- The event will be hosted by a Freemason named Matt Nelson and Cristina Segovia will be doing interviews on the red carpet. The Masonic Map is one of the first movies to film inside of a Masonic Temple. It is based off of the legend that the Knight's Templar brought the Ark of the Covenant to the new world and entrusted it to a tribe of Ute Native Americans who kept it safe for hundreds of years. The CIA begins killing Freemasons with hope that they will find this powerful artifact. A college student named Solomon Rockwell (Joseph James) and his girlfriend Sandra(Natalie Paige Willison) find the map and they are thrust into a world of secret societies, codes, Freemasonry and Native American legends. The film can be purchased online for $9.99 at

Friday, September 2, 2011

Grand Lodge of VT seeking aid after hurrican Irene

Brethren, as many of you may know, the state of VT has been ravaged by the worst natural disaster in at least the last 100 years of its history. Hundreds of brothers and many lodges have been affected by this tragedy. An Irene relief effort is underway via Grand Lodge of VT and the other Masonic Bodies of the State. If you have time or materials to donate, please contact one of the DDGMs for VT. Thank you. Contact information may be found on the Grand Lodge website.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Norwegian Order of Freemasons expressing compassion and care

The GL of Norway has posted the following on their website regarding the mass murder that took place over the weekend. Very sad news and a blemish to what I'm sure is an outstanding Grand Lodge.

"- I am appalled by the horrible atrocity that was committed in the government district and at the Utøya island, says the Sovereign Grand Master of the Norwegian Order of Freemasons, Ivar A. Skar.

We are filled with mourning and compassion for those who have been affected and their relatives.

It has appeared in the media that the accused has been a member of the Norwegian Order of Freemasons.

He has now been excluded - the exclusion immediately effective.

The exclusion reflects that the acts he is accused of having carried out, and the values that appear to have motivated them, are completely incompatible with what we stand for as an Order.

We build our activity on Christian and humanistic values and want our members to contribute to the promotion of charity, peace and goodness among all people.

The police will of course get all the help and information we can give to contribute to the investigation."

Friday, July 1, 2011

July 2011 The Working Tools Masonic Magazine now available


The Current Issue of The Working Tools is now available at

For the first time ever I have started a fundraiser to help offset some of the costs to publish this monthly magazine. A donate button has been placed on the website accepting Paypal & creditcards. I'm asking for a suggested donation of $1.00 for this issue. Of course you can always donate more or not at all if you can't at this time.

Everyone that donates will be put into a lottery to win an autographed copy of Bro. Howie Damron's new CD. $10.00+ will get you a CD of all past issue and $25.00+ a DVD of over 4 gigs worth of Masonic materials plus all past issues.

All this information plus the latest issue is found again at

The July 2011 issue features "The Founding Fathers in Freemasonry"


• Old Tyler Talks

• Word of the Month

• Masonry in Pop Culture (Plus Video)

• Noah & Freemasonry

• Biography - Bro. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

• Masonic Pride Music Tour

• Special groups- “The Widow’s Son Riders Assoc.”

• And much more...

All feedback appreciated



Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Video Working Tools July 2011 Now Available

The July VIDEO TWT is now available at:

Please note that this is NOT the PDF version. The Magazine will follow on or around July 1st. There has been some confusion if one is replacing the other.

Some of the feedback I've received asked me to make the slides longer giving you more time to read. Let me know if this one is better.

Any questions or comments please email me at



Saturday, June 11, 2011


DR BOB JAMES "THE DILEMMAS OF FREEMASONRY AND THE NEW MASONIC SECRET" This evening at 8PM at . If you haven't been watching these videos you are missing out.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Update on Bro. Howie Damron

Brother Howie Damron and “The Masonic Pride Music Tour”

To All my Brethren throughout the world

It’s been a long recovery from the accident in which did major damage to my left shoulder but after a long bout with therapy I’m back doing what I love and that’s music and performing and promoting Freemasonry. I’ve retired twice but it’s my duty as a Mason to continue. We now have a fantastic and well forged program for performances and easy fundraisers using the new album “My Masonic Legacy”. This album was many years in the making and it’s a collection of all my written songs about our Craft and all of our bodies. I ask for your attention for a short while and allow me to explain why I’m doing what I’m doing for Freemasonry. We have a simple program that we’d like to share with you. I’m no longer using a Nashville booking agency so therefore I’m counting on each of you for your involvement. Let’s do some shows.

Every Blue Lodge, DeMolay Chapter, Shrine Temple, Scottish Rite Valley and most all the rest has at least 10 or 20 members within the group who will dedicate and commit to this program. Each one asks for a $20 donation for the event and fund raiser from existing Brethren and family members and then after they do the donation then they get a free CD. We then do a 50-50 split on the profits. To Book a performance date simply order 200 CDs and then have the 10 or 20 Brothers help distribute them. Of course the more that’s distributed the better the margins. Selling tickets at the door helps pay for my expenses of travel and generates more funds for the event as well. It’s that simple. Brothers, my Dad can move 40 CDs per month and he’s 76 years old but he refuses to slow down. So if there are 20 dedicated Brothers then the numbers should far exceed 200. The Brothers who participates with the distribution is recognized from me during the show. Brothers I have given my all for the Masonic Pride Mission and I’ve dedicated and committed my heart to these songs for a very special reason. I have long known that music reaches areas where speeches and lectures will not. A well placed message in a musical composition gives simple understanding to the listener and I’ve personally witnessed hundreds of young men ask to Petition our lodges after hearing these songs. After the song “The Masonic Ring” was written, I performed it in one of my country shows. The song brought numerous new petitions after the performance. I knew right then and there that it was my duty as a Freemason to use it for all of Freemasonry to be able to use as a new working tool for our craft.

I am asking every Brother Mason out there to make the new commitment of reestablishing there Activity levels to introducing Freemasonry to every potential new member they can possibly reach.

Brothers we can grow again in massive numbers but understanding Freemasonry’s introduction is the key. Simplicity is made easy after they hear a song. I know this for fact. I was in a parking lot and heard my music playing somewhere. I looked over and saw my Dads truck with the doors open and there was a crowd of young men and middle age men gathered around him. He had “I’m a Master Mason” song cranked up and then he played “The Masonic Ring”. He started a wave of them asking for Petitions in that parking lot. He was not trying to bring fame or fortune to his son. Do you have this desire to want to introduce our Brotherhood to others? Do you realize how the wisdom of Freemasonry can save young lives and keep them from drug addictions and other pitfalls? This may be harsh my friends but are you part of the generation that must die out before Freemasonry can grow again? In my heart I strongly believe that the secrete were all looking for is in new membership growth and not driving existing members crazy always asking for money and commitment. Remember the Pride you had during your EA, Fellow craft and Master Masons Degrees? I’m committed my Brothers and I’m asking you to be as well. I ask for your help and involvement in our program and I’m overly excited that Brother Albert McClelland of has joined me in helping to introduce “The Masonic Pride Music Mission” to Masons all over the world. Please feel free to contact him at for fundraising and stocking dealer inquiries.

May the Great Creator send new Creativity into each of you to better all of Freemasonry.

Brother Howie Damron

Waterloo 532 Ohio Lodge

Grand Ambassador Masonic Music

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Masonic Magazine- "Living Stones"

A new magazine was released today called "Living Stones" found at

Created by Bros. Cliff Porter, Robert Herd, Timothy Hogan and John Nagy. All of these masons are well known and accomplished writers who are deserving of your time.

The 1st issue features "The Relevant Mason", The Coaches Coach" and "The Traveling Man"

A digital copy can be downloaded for $5.50/issue or $50.00/yearly subscription.

The Working Tools wishes them well on their new publication and is here to help!


Monday, May 30, 2011

The June 2011 Working Tools Masonic Magazine now available

Happy Memorial Day!!!


The Working Tools Masonic Magazine June 2011 Issue is now uploaded at

Please keep in mind that there are two different versions I've been doing lately, the video and printed. Some readers have sent me notes confused about the two. If I can keep it up the video will come out a couple weeks prior to the printed as a introduction to what I'm putting together in the next issue. Unfortunately, some thought I replace one with the other.

This issue features "Freemasons during the Civil War".

In This Issue...

• Old Tyler Talks

• Spotlight on the website

• The Temple Church in London (Plus Video)

• The Baltimore Convention

• Biography - Bro. Buzz Aldren

• Word of the Month

• Cover- "Freemasons during the Civil War"

• Special groups- “The Grotto”

• And much more...

All past issues are also available in the aptly named "past issues" section.

Please pass along the link to anyone not on Facebook or on the mailing list.



Friday, May 27, 2011

Today in Masonic History - May 27th

Today In Masonic History (May 27th) in 1957, Carl H. Claudy, Masonic author and playwright, D.C. Grand Master in 1943, Executive Secretary of MSA, died.

From the MSA:

"There was a time, an age before television, video rentals, and pro sports, when Freemasons read. An age when sitting before a fire with a book of Masonic lore or history was regarded as an evening well spent. Emerging from that time is the name of an author unparalleled in his contributions to Masonic literature. Anyone who has read just a little of Carl H. Claudy's works cannot help but be charmed by the story told and the manner of expression.

Foreign Countries, Old Tiler Talks, The Old Past Master, A Master's Wages, These Were Brethren, Where Your Treasure Is, The Lion's Paw, and Masonic Harvest, are but a few of his more well known Masonic works.

Carl H. Claudy was born in 1879, and died in 1957. The preceding year he had been named Honorary Passed Grand Master of North Dakota.

An author of 32 books and a galaxy of essays and short stories numbering more than 1,600, his literary life began inauspiciously enough. His formal education concluded after only a year of high school whereupon he found himself in the hardscrabble workaday world of the late 19th century.

At age 19 he headed to the Alaskan gold fields. Finding no gold after six months, he returned to the States and took up employment with an emery wheel manufacturer. After several years he left that job to move back to Washington, DC, where he became the editor of a popular science paper. This was his springboard.

Despite the lack of a formal education Claudy began to read and to write. In fact, the first story he ever wrote appeared in The Washington Post. He freelanced for The New York Herald, eventually joining its staff in 1908 with a special assignment covering the then infant aeronautical industry.

During this time he wrote a number of articles on the subject and published a book titled, Beginners Book of Model Airplanes. But he was also a photographer. His photos of early flights were given to Alexander Graham Bell who placed in the Smithsonian where they remain today. At the end of World War I, Claudy went overseas as a correspondent for Scientific American.

An avid athlete and outdoors man, his hobbies included camping, mountaineering, boxing, rowing crew, tennis, and football. His love of the outdoors brought him frequently to Montana and inspired many short stories written for various Boy Scout publications.

Claudy's association with Freemasonry began in 1908, when, at the age of 29, he was raised a Master Mason in Harmony 17 in Washington, DC. He served as its master and eventually served as grand master of Masons in the District of Columbia in 1943.

His Masonic writing career began in earnest when he became associated with the Masonic Service Association in 1923, serving as associate editor of its magazine, The Master Mason until 1931. He became executive secretary of the Masonic Service Association in 1929 — a position held until his death in 1957. Under his single handed leadership the Masonic Service Association was brought to a place of preeminence through his authorship and distribution of the "Short Talk Bulletin" which made his name familiar to virtually every lodge in the country.

Claudy can personally lay claim to authorship of approximately 350 Short Talk"

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Today in Masonic History - May 24th

Today in Masonic History (May 24th) In 1901, Sir Winston Churchill received his 1st degree in Studholme Lodge #1591, London.

Here's an excellent article on his role in Masonry.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

WEOFM Lecture "Veiled in Allegory and Illustrated by Symbols" by Chris McClintock, PM

This weeks lecture from is "Veiled in Allegory and Illustrated by Symbols" presented by Chris McClintock.

I found the following bio on Bro. Chris on his website

Chris McClintock is an author specialising in ancient symbolism. He became an Irish Freemason in 1991, joining Lodge No 754 Coleraine. He became Master of the lodge in 2005. Intrigued by the curious symbolism and gestures used within the workings of the lodge he set about investigating those rituals to try to discover their underlying meanings.

In 2001 he joined Lodge 200 the Irish Lodge of Research to further his studies and to seek assistance to ground his work within a framework that was ritualistically and historically accurate. His eight year quest has culminated in the book The Craft and the Cross.

He has also been a stained glass artist for 20 years carrying out many commissions to design and build windows in civic buildings, churches and private dwellings. He was interviewed for a TV documentary by RTE in Dublin and by BBC Radio Ulster following his commission for a commemorative window for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee.

The symbols used in church commissions added to his interest in religious imagery and inspired an interest in the subject that has culminated in his series of books on the subject of ancient symbolism.

His main interest is historical research, in particular the astronomical alignments of the ancient megaliths of Ireland and Scotland and the Celtic folklore that has grown around them. He has travelled extensively through both Ireland and Scotland in search of stone alignments and ancient churches. He particularly admires the work of Prof. Alexander Thom and the groundbreaking work he did to bring the science of archaeo-astronomy to public awareness.

The Craft and the Cross is the first of a series of at least three books on the subject that will in the fullness of time trace the symbols and rituals of modern Freemasonry right back to the dawn of civilisation. He is currently working on the second book in the series that will examine the links between the ancient British Isles and the pyramids on the Giza Plateau, and how that too finds expression in Freemasonry.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Lindsay Lohan stalked by Freemasons!

Lindsay Lohan is being stalked by those crazy Freemasons- I'm sure alcohol and tons of drugs have nothing to do with it! How the heck does she even know what or who the Freemasons are?? Why is she still news??


"Lilo went on Twitter today and posted a photo of the man allegedly posing the threat -- saying, "This is the freemason stalker that has been threatening to kill me- while he is TRESPASSING! I'm actually scared now."

She continued, "all my fans, my supporters, please stand by me. g-d bless xxL."

We're told LiLo believes the man has been obsessed with her for nearly 4 years ... frequently dropping by her home and leaving weird gifts for the actress. We're also told he's been sending her "insane" text messages for the past few years.

Sources tell us Lindsay does not know the identity of the alleged stalker -- but she wants the cops to help keep the mystery man away ASAP."

Here's the Freemason/stalker in question. I believe I see a cable tow twice around his neck.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Today in Masonic History - May 12st

Today in Masonic History (May 12th)

On this date in 1932, the George Washington Masonic National Memorial, in Alexandria, Virginia, was dedicated in a very large ceremony, attended by thousands, including the President of the United States

On this date in 1931, Senator Barry Goldwater (candidate for U.S. President in 1964) received his 1st degree in Arizona Lodge #2, Phoenix AZ.

On this date in 1999, the Grand Lodge of D.C., under the leadership of Grand Master Dan L Frederick, voted to recognize the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of D.C.

Today In MAsonic

Today in Masonic History (May 12th). in 1932, the George Washington Masonic National Memorial was dedicated in a very large ceremony, attended by thousands. Also, in 1999, the Grand Lodge of D.C., voted to recognize the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of D.C.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

On this day in Masonic History (May 11th) in 1865, the Grand Lodge of West Virginia was formed. - Official GL Website

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Worldwide Exemplification of Freemasonry - "Freemasons & the Greek War of Independence"

This weeks lecture from The Worldwide Exemplification of Freemasonry is titled

"Freemasons & the Greek War of Independence" given by Andreas C. Rizopoulos, PM

The show starts at 8pm on

Below is an overview from the weofm website about tonights speaker.

"Andreas C. Rizopoulos, is a retired journalist and communications consultant.

He is Full Member of Quatuor Coronati No. 2076, the Premier Lodge of Research under the United Grand Lodge of England and Fellow of the Scottish Rite Research Society. He belongs to Panathenean No. 146 Lodge in Greece (founder and Past Master) and was Founder-Steward of Internet Lodge No. 9659 in England. He also belongs to the Scottish Rite in Greece and to the Holy Royal Arch, Mark (Past Provincial Grand Standard Bearer), and Royal Ark Mariner (Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank) in England. For the past twenty years he has been Grand Representative of two USA Grand Lodges at the Grand Lodge of Greece.

He has authored three books on Freemasonry [Philhellenes and Greek Freemasons in 1821, Greek Masonic Handbook and Freemasonry in the Ionians] and many historical articles published in Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, Heredom, the Greek Masonic magazine Pythagoras, the Turkish Masonic magazine Mimar Sinan, and even general literary and historical magazines and has delivered more than a hundred papers in Lodges and general Masonic meetings. He has also published three books and several articles and presented many papers in international medical congresses on the history of Medicine as well as articles on literary subjects, communication, and aviation. Finally he has published three novels, poetry, and a book on literary history and has translated many books into Greek"

Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm interviewing Martin Faulks and Andrew Selwyn-Crome from Lewis Masonic Publishers about their new video series "On The Level" (

Any questions you would like to ask them?

If you haven't seen the video's yet, you need to check them out!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Today in Masonic History - May 1st

On this date in 1865, William McKinley (U.S. President 1898-1901) received his 1st degree in Hiram Lodge #21, Winchester, Virginia.

More about McKinley

Saturday, April 30, 2011

WEOFM- The Grand Orient of France

This Week's Lecture from The Worldwide Exemplification of Freemasonry is: "The Grand Orient of France" - by Michel L. Brodsky, PM

Presentation starts at 8pm EST but replays will be available shortly after the "live" viewing.

Head over to the WEOFM.ORG website for all future broadcast information.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Proclamation #357

Proclamation #357

I hearby proclaim that everyday at 3:57 pm shall now and forever be considered "Freemason Time"

The time to think about how you could make yourself a better Man
The time to think about how you could make yourself a better Mason
The time to think about how you could make yourself a better Friend

The time to think about how you could make yourself a better Father
The time to think about how you could make yourself a better Son
The time to think about how you could make yourself a better Friend
The time to think about how you could make yourself a better Neighbor
The time to think about how you could make yourself a better Employee

The time to think about how you could make yourself a better Christian
The time to think about how you could make yourself a better Catholic
The time to think about how you could make yourself a better Jew
The time to think about how you could make yourself a better Buddhist
The time to think about how you could make yourself a better Muslim
The time to think about how you could make yourself a better Hindu
The time to think about how you could make yourself a better Human

Monday, April 25, 2011

Upcoming books to read

Upcoming books to look out for...

Let me know what's on your reading list.

The Red Triangle: The History of the Persecution of Freemasons by Robert Cooper (Apr 18, 2011)

The Freemasons: A History of the World's Most Powerful Secret Society (May 15, 2011)